• 31 октября 2014, пятница
  • Онлайн

International project "Eco-Reps: Peer-to-Peer Sustainability Outreach"

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АНО "Центр трансграничного сотрудничества - Санкт-Петербург"
3467 дней назад
с 20:00 31 октября 2014 до 23:30 30 июня 2015

This page is created for registration of Russian project participants.

Please, use English language when answering all questions of the registration form!


The Center for Transboundary Cooperation (CTC) in St. Petersburg in collaboration with the Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies (CREES) of University of Kansas in Lawrence, USA, is implementing an international project "Eco-Reps: Peer-to-Peer Sustainability Outreach".

"Eco-Reps" in our project is short for "Eco-representatives".


We are looking for interested individuals/teams, who are English-speaking and 18-30 years old, from all over the North-West Russia, willing to:

  • learn about the most recent developments and findings in the sphere of sustainable development, green and circular economy;
  • share their knowledge with peers and communities;
  • find peers with mutual interests and understanding of sustainability in USA;
  • create and implement a mini-project on sustainability within their communities, institutions, universities. The projects can be developed by individuals or teams of up to 4 people.


With this project, CTC-SPb and CREES plan to engage young people in sustainability projects in order to prepare future designers, engineers, and business and community leaders to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economy, both in the Russian Federation and the United States.


Project participants will get an opportunity to attend 4 two-hour webinars (free of charge), submit their sustainability project and, if awarded, participate in a study visit to Kansas, USA. 

The project runs from September 2014 till June 2015.

If you decide to join the project, you will need to participate in all project events and activities according to the schedule:

Eco-Reps – project schedule


Key activities

September – October 2014 (Applications are accepted till October, 31st).

Start and promotion of the project.
Launching call for eco-reps;

Accepting the applications.

Potential participants (Eco-Reps) form their teams.


6th -10th



Forming teams of Eco-Reps, supporting application process.

Webinar 1, which will be open for potential participants and will help to clarify the project structure, its benefits and requirements. Introduction of the project and application process; answering participants’ inquiries.




Application process finishes


10th -14th


Webinar 2 which will be open for the participants whose applications are accepted.

The key topic of this webinar – «Re-thinking sustainability in the context of the circular economy»

November 24th -28th


Webinar 3 Sustainability projects in various settings.

This webinar will focus on various local sustainability  initiatives and projects and will help Eco-Reps to get inspiration for their projects and to share ideas.


15th  – December 15th

Teams design and plan sustainability projects.

December 15th

Deadline for submitting project descriptions


8th  - 12th


Webinar 4 — oranizational and managerial aspects of sustainability projects.

January – February 2015

Teams implement projects with the reports due by Feb. 28th

March 2015


Review and evaluation of the projects. The project partners and experts will analyse and evaluate the implementation of the projects organised by Eco-reps and will choose the winners.

April 2015



Study visit to Kansas.  8 Russian eco-reps will visit to the US and participate in a study visit program organised by Kansas University

May 2015


Study visit to Russia by US Eco-Reps. Final workshop and Sustainability EXPO 2015.

Throughout the project, participants are invited to share their ideas and communicate with their peers from USA, using social networks, where special pages will be created. 








































Throughout the  project, participants are invited to share their ideas and communicate with their peers from USA, using social networks, where special pages will be created. 





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